Town & Country – Our Common Pests

Our combination of both traditional and modern pest control techniques provide us with the ability to manage a variety of unpleasant guests to your property. We control a wide range of pests for domestic and commercial clients and also provide traditional wildlife management for large estates, rural commercial properties, equestrian centres and farms. Our helpful team are fully trained to use all pest control products so your property remains in good hands.

The pests we can eradicate range from tiny destructive insects, to larger animals that may simply need relocating. Our team of pest exterminators will find the best way to extract these unwanted guests from your property as swift and safely as possible. Please note that different methods may be required depending on the property type and severity of infestation.

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Bedbugs Extermination

Bedbugs →

Bedbugs have become huge problem within the UK – including our service area of Staffordshire, Cheshire & Derbyshire, read more on bedbugs…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Bee & Bees Nest Removal

Bees →

Once the warmer months are here then the Bees are the first to be seen around homes and gardens in the Staffordshire & Cheshire, read about our removal processes…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Brown Rat Extermination

Brown Rat →

The Brown Rat continues to be a huge problem for restaurants, takeaways and pubs. Our Rat exterminators have a multitude of solutions for these determined vermin…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Cockroach Removal

Cockroaches →

Typically associated with warmer climates, Cockroaches are more common pests than we expect – read more on cockroaches…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Crawling Insects Removal

Crawling Insects →

Crawling insects, such as silverfish, woodlice, and spiders, can be a nuisance in homes and businesses and can cause health and hygiene issues if left untreated…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Pigeon Pest Control / Removal

Feral Pigeon →

Pigeons and their faeces represent both an aesthetic and a very real public health problem, town and country pest control offer a range of solutions…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Flea Extermination and Removal

Fleas →

As well as being embarrassed about the fact they are in your home, they also make pets lives miserable and us humans begin to itch just at the thought of them…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Fox Removal

Foxes →

With the well known increase in the numbers of urban foxes in gardens, the problems they bring and damage they cause has also unfortunately increased…

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Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Garden/Black Ants Removal

Garden Ants →

Garden Ants are particularly active in the summer months and remain one of Britain’s most common pests…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Grey Squirrel Removal

Grey Squirrel →

Not an indigenous species to mainland England, the common squirrel has become a common sight in parks, streets, town centres and gardens…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Mice Extermination and Removal

House Mice →

Mice cause a health hazard, salmonella bacteria can be passed on to people through food or food surfaces the animal contaminates, find our mouse control methods here…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Mole Removal

Moles →

Moles are woodland animals in nature but find themselves leaving telltale molehills in even the best of kept gardens…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Rabbit Pest Control & Removal

Rabbits →

The humble rabbit underestimated by most but their capabilities to breed as well as chew, eat and dig through most landscapes is second to none…

Pest Control Company, Leek, Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire - Wasp & Wasp Nest Removal

Wasps →

Wasps and nest Control in Leek and surrounding Staffordshire, Derbyshire & Cheshire area is now becoming a more common occurrence, our pain-free professional removals are outlined here…

Getting a Free Quote for Pest Control

Our no obligation pest control prices are given with absolutely no hidden or extra costs – completely free of charge; a member of our team will respond to your call within 24 hours. Our emergency pest control services are provided 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.